jueves, 19 de abril de 2012

Los retornos

Nunca debí haberme alejado tanto de mi mismo, pero tenía ganas de saber qué se sentía siendo "normal". Bueno, ya lo sé y también sé que me es imposible seguir un hilo argumental cuando escribo: estos dias vuelve el odio hacia un montón de personas. En comparación con mi estado actual, todas mis lagrimas pasadas parecen solo un entrenamiento. Dramatico. Dramatico de mierda, Edipo sin gracia, callejón sin salida. Mi entretenimiento favorito es tirar piedras sobre mi propio tejado: eso lo hago como nadie. En fin, nunca me ha gustado estar solo, pero sé como sobrevivir, como sublimar toda esa frustración. Me noto dominado por una obsesión: a nadie le gusto, a nadie parezco satisfacer, mi inteligencia disminuye dia a dia y estoy fuera de forma. Lo gracioso es que no estoy dominado por esa locura: sé que no me baso en nada cierto, que exagero, que las cosas no están tan mal. Sin embargo, a pesar de eso: joder, no puedo evitarlo. Y cada dia una gotita más cae en mi cabeza, imperceptible, invisible: ni lo noto ni me lo notarías jamás, pero ahi está, erosionando, castigandome en silencio. Intento rehacer el camino, o mejor dicho, ir marcha atras, volver al pasado, pero, ni siquiera sé a quién buscar. Estoy cansado ( eso sigue inalterable) de ser el buen-chico-con-quien-puedes-contar. Verdaderamente harto. Lo que pasa es que no tengo herramientas para cambiar eso: llamalo herramientas, llamalo estado de ánimo decadente. Mis temores empiezan a hacerse realidad: cuando me miro al espejo por las mañanas, solo veo a una persona mediocre, a una persona que se borrará en el tiempo como todas las demás, con su pequeña historia que a nadie le importa...tan diferente a todos esos sueños de grandeza que tenía hace no tanto tiempo. Mi cuerpo desnudo, flacido, lejos de cualquier atractivo me grita: no hay nada más. La locura no tiene nada de romantico, ni de bonito, ni de creativo. La locura es una mierda. Es una mierda obsesionarse con la idea de que moriré joven, es una mierda vivir pensando que los demás ( los demás, los demás) me odian, es una mierda pensar que no encontraré a mi rubia ideal, es una mierda despertarse por las mañanas triste, sin ningún motivo. Es una mierda despertarse por las mañanas triste, teniendo motivos. Cuando funcionas mal. Pasar de a pensarlo todo, hacerlo todo racional. Amplias posibilidades, ventanas abiertas de par en par, es horrible. La alternativa es rebelarme: pero de verdad, caer en un gran gesto egocentrico mientras dejo algo genial para las generaciones posteriores. No se si es normal pensar tanto sobre la muerte a mi edad. No tengo ninguna certeza sobre ningun tema. Qué divertido. Antes del dia 16 de mayo me he prometido hacer un recital: En soledad. Frente a mis propios miedos, luchando ( y perdiendo) contra mis fantasmas interiores. Haciendome cargo de otro proyecto imposible. Y es que hay cosas que, a pesar de todo, nunca cambian.

3 comentarios:

  1. Is there anything more elusive than time?
    Maybe a bar of soap that’s fallen in the shower
    It slips out of your hands again and again, but eventually you grasp it
    Can you ever grasp time?
    Opinions differ.

    There are people who think we own it, that time is something that we have
    It’s in our possession, like the change in our pockets, something we can offer
    Do you have time for a movie?
    Let me check, yea I think I have enough.
    And they give it to you, a present in a tiny box, wrapped with a blue bow.
    Others cannot give you such a lovely gift.
    They never have time, enough time
    To pass with you, to give, to share
    It is their treasure, valued treasure, and to spend it would be sin
    What they do with it instead, I don’t know
    But at least it’s theirs to keep.

    A special few believe they can make time
    I don’t think we appreciate nearly enough when someone tells us they will make time for us
    It can’t be easy, it’s basically wizardry
    How on earth did they get the recipe?
    Likewise, I think we are too hard on those who can’t make time for us
    Why would we ever have expected that they could?

    Aside from our general relationship with time, certain people seem to have different effects on it

    The boring type have mastered the art of slowing time
    So much so that you think they might have stopped it
    They make each second crawl by, hanging on every word, dragging it slowly through the mud
    They’ve learned to slow it down, but at what price?
    What is time worth if you are not enjoying it?

    So you realize your priorities. And you find the fun.

    Fun people are the racecars of time.
    The cheetahs, the jet planes…they make time fly
    But it’s fun.
    So fun, that maybe you weren’t worried about the time when you were with them
    Two hours passed in a blink, but you feel good and happy and patiently ready for the next meeting
    The next two hours you will pass with them, giving a warm feeling that seeps into the hours you spend without them, painting everything rosy and sweet

    So we have it. The fun people and the duds, and all those around and between, drowning the stereotypes and mixing rules with exceptions until everything is what it is.
    There is all this.
    And then there is you.

  2. And there is something different about you
    Something I haven’t found in the others
    Which is simply that you’re you, and I am me
    And with the “us” that you and me make, I can’t imagine that any other “you” or any other “me” would make a better one
    Between the six billion something people we have to choose from on earth, logic tells me that yes
    That we could make a better us
    But I can’t believe it.
    Or I choose not to.

    And our “us” has invaded me…in my eyes and my head and my heart
    And now I only see time as a strategy
    A thing to manage, to manipulate in order to give me the most “us” possible
    And I begin to use the time before and after “our time” planning to have more and worrying that there will never be enough of the more
    Every hello starts the clock until the inevitable goodbye
    And when you leave I can never believe it
    I can never accept it and I pull your sleeve, begging you not to go, fighting you, because I’m just not sure where I can go to fight time
    And it’s always you leaving me
    Always you leaving me
    Like we have different clocks, and yours makes more sense to you
    And I am left fidgeting with mine
    Tapping the glass and double checking the placement of the little hands to make sure I read the hour right
    Although the hour is always wrong if you’re leaving

    And the feeling fills my socks
    Leaving them wet and heavy
    And I fear
    I fear that I will never get enough time with you
    And I spend my “me” time worrying about “ours” and wondering why we seem to have to little
    Obsessing over every day, hour, minute, every second that passes, looking time in the eye and wondering what it has against me
    Wracking my mind to remember what I did to offend it, or how I could make it think more fondly of me
    But I can’t think of the solution, and at the end of it all I’ve done is let it pass me by

    But graciously it has brought me back to you
    And started the countdown for our “us” time once again
    Whether it be three hours or six or sometimes 17 or 18, including the night we sleep through together, and it seems such a sin
    Such a sin passing six or seven hours with you not being conscious to appreciate every second
    Even though waking up to you is brilliance
    And a better way to start the day escapes me forever
    So I smile good morning and hug you as hard as I can
    Like you asked me
    Like I promised you
    And I hope, just this once, our hug will stop time
    And we can stay there for a while
    But even with this, what good would it do?

  3. Because it’d have to start again at some point
    And we’d be right where we were
    The hug would end, my fear continue and no matter how tight I squeezed you,
    The time would slip right through my arms falling into a puddle on the ground and trickling away at a rate so consistent that I can’t understand

    And it is this consistency that begins to haunt me, as I realize the pattern
    The pattern that has been passing me by my whole life but suddenly seems to hit me in the face
    And I see it before me, the road that time is, the road that always ends.
    Thinking of every love I’ve had, now ended and marked as a memory,
    Without my consent and against my will

    And I see the title begin to label you already
    A faint M-E-M scribbled over my love for you and I grab a rag and I erase it frantically and its gone for now but I still see it there, now burning brighter than before
    Taunting me with its threat of arrival

    And I’m scared and I panic and mania hits, because not only will it take you away from me one day, but not its raining on the days I have left with you

    The water from the rain is collecting
    First just around our ankles
    You don’t notice and I try to ignore
    We are here, I think.
    Be us.
    I want to be us and dance in our sunlight and bask in our warmth
    But now the water is at our knees and it becomes harder to stand
    When it gets to our hips it knocks us over, rushing past us
    Growing to be the ocean it will become
    The ocean that will push us away
    A body of separation

    And the thought of losing you, the idea of this cursed cycle continuing drowns me even before the water reaches our necks

    We’re treading now, treading water and we’re treading together, together but aware
    So actively aware of what is coming and I’m still so scared and I need to soak up every ounce of you that I can but my clothes are waterlogged and heavy and I fell them weighing me down and I’m sinking

    Now I taste the water on my tongue
    It’s splashing in my eyes but I know you’re there because I’ve got your hand
    It’s all I’ve got as we’re tossed around these raging waters

    And the current bangs us into rocks
    Forcing us under but we struggle back above
    Always holding on, never letting go
    Our eyes meet and we pass each other that look of comfort
    The comfort of a lie that we need
    We look each other in the eyes and we share our lie, our last sweet lie
    That softens the blow and tells us that godforsaken line that everything is going to be alright
    To distract us from the dread we know awaits us

    But very little is left because too much has already passed
    And I’ve swallowed so much water and I’m coughing up the river from my lungs
    Coughing and realizing the feeling in my stomach isn’t from the water
    But that feeling that hits you when you realize that all your fear and paranoia has stopped being paranoia and become exactly what you feared it would
    And I squeeze your hand hard one last time and let my body accept the thing it has been fighting against for so long and it knows
    I know
    That surely
    Time will kill us
    And accepting this is the saddest part

    So I lose your hand
    And let the river take me
